APRIL 5, 2018


  2. The April 5, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Rebecca Compton at 6:00 pm.
  4. Mike Russell, Vice President – Present       ______________________________________
  5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Present            ______________________________________
  6. Rebecca Compton, President – Present      ______________________________________
  8. Council President Rebecca Compton led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy.
  10. Rebecca asked if there were any additions or corrections to the March minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.
  11. OLD ITEMS:
  • Spotlight of Town Ordinances – the Town’s golf cart and recreational vehicle ordinance will be spotlighted in May.


  1. Town Hall Security – This will be installed in a couple of weeks.
  2. Ordinance 2018-1 – Amending the code regarding the liability of water customers to maintain their private portion of the water supply system was presented for a third and final read. Mike Russell made a motion to pass as written; Jimmy seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Beth will advertise as necessary.
  3. Paving Project – requirements have been met now with INDOT and the contract was awarded. Work will begin when the weather cooperates.
  4. Town Hall Roof – Repairs have been made and it will be “sealed” when the weather is warmer.
  5. Water Tower and Filter Plant – Mark and Kevin will be visiting Bainbridge to tour their filter plant on Monday; Mark let the Council know that the iron has been creeping back up again.
  6. Liability Insurance Old Fashion Days – Rebecca stated that Old Fashion Days will not be able to be included under our insurance policy, however, our agent did specify that they do need to name the town as an additional insured and could certainly assist the committee with a donation that may or may not be used to pay the special events liability policy premium. Our agent also stated that any donation to the committee should be noted, as such, in the town minutes and not as a liability payment on the committee’s or any other third party’s behalf. It was suggested that we donate $500 and become a Silver Sponsor; Jimmy made a motion to donate $500; Mike seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
  7. Sidewalk Replacement – Rebecca asked Mark if he had this work scheduled yet; Mark said no but he will get with Ralph and set a date. Mark also suggested replacing the sidewalk in front of Perillo’s this summer as well.


April 5, 2018 – Board Meeting Minutes – Page 2


  • NWHSC Long Range Planning Meeting – Rebecca provided Council with a slide presentation from this meeting held at Tri West High School by the new Superintendent. She was unable to attend but he was kind enough to email her the presentation.
  • AIM – Council and Beth and Tammy will be attending a Roundtable Meeting in Thorntown on April 11th.
  • Ordinance 2017-2 was reviewed. The wording “donated by Bob Porter” was in error; Harold will draft an ordinance amending the wording and have at the May board meeting.


  1. HB 1065: Broadband. Rebecca let the council know that there was a bill passed creating a broadband grant program through OCRA. The program requires the creation of new maps to determine which communities in Indiana are considered underserved in terms of high speed internet services. Also discussed was a company called Endeavor who has recently partnered with Hendricks Power. Smithville Telephone company out of Lizton was discussed as well as a possible internet provider.
  1. Mark – None
  2. NSPD – For the record, Rebecca presented the NSPD report for the month of March. Rebecca let Council know that she would be conducting John’s evaluation this month.
  3. Council – Mike Russell mentioned that there was someone living in a camper on a property here in town. It was recommended that we inform the County and let them handle the situation since we have no ordinances regarding this. Jimmy commended Mark and Kevin for the way they kept the roads cleared during the recent snow storm.
  4. Harold Blake – wanted Council to know that he will be out of town for a week beginning tomorrow and to contact him via his home email address if there are any issues.
  5. Clerk-Treasurer – None
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. None
  4. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm. The next Council Meeting will be May 3rd at 6:00 pm.





Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer