CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  The April 1, 2021 Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.   Becky led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy Roberts.

ROLL CALL:  Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Bill Compton, Member  – Present

MINUTES:  Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the March minutes.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.

OLD ITEMS:  Filter Plant/Water Tower Project – Mark reported that parts of the tower have been delivered. Once it is assembled we will need to hire an inspector to climb up and inspect it.  Becky mentioned that she would like to take a tour of the facility next week now that the plant itself is complete.

NEW ITEMS:  a) Ordinance 2021-1 – Renters, Landlords & Deposits.  This is an Ordinance to move utilities back into the renters name as well as increase the water and waste water deposits required of both renters and home owners.  Jimmy made a motion to pass as written; Becky seconded.  Second read will be next month.  b) Ordinance 2021-2 – Prohibiting Private Wells. This is an Ordinance that prohibits private wells used for potable water within the town limits.  After much discussion, it was decided that it was in the best interest of the Town and the Residents of the Town that this Ordinance be passed tonight.  Therefore, Bill made a motion to pass on first read; Jimmy seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Rules were suspended and Bill made a motion to pass on second read; Jimmy seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Finally, Bill made a motion to pass on third and final read; Jimmy seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Beth will advertise next week as required. c) Ordinance 2021-3 – Chickens. This Ordinance upon passage will allow property owners within the town limits to have chickens.  Becky made a motion to pass as written; Bill seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Second read will be next month.

REPORTS: a) Mark let the Council know that the owner of the house in town that had the huge leak in February is wanting us to take payments from her renter.  After much discussion, it was decided that since she has a new renter now and we are unable to create a second account for the property, the property owner should pay the outstanding amount and take payments from her renter.   Kevin let the Council know that clean up after the tornado was moving along; they had lots of volunteers.  It was decided that gift cards would be given to the guys and their helpers.  b) NSPD – Marshal Kneeland was on vacation and not present.  c) Council Members – Bill asked Mark when he planned to move the 25 MPH sign on Ladoga.  Mark said they’d look at it next week.  Also, Bill asked about the property behind Dan Koopman’s property and if the Town owned it.  Mark told him the Town did not own that property.  Becky mentioned that we needed to be thinking about which sidewalks to repair/replace this spring and summer.  Also, she has concerns about a resident parking their vehicle on a sidewalk and close to a fire hydrant on McKinley Street.  If they park on the street, it makes for a tight turn onto the street.  After much discussion, it was decided that we could install NO PARKING SIGNS on each street that say NO PARKING FROM HERE TO CORNER.  d) Harold Blake – Let Council know that he and Beth would be gathering information on the American Rescue Plan and the monies that would be coming to the Town of North Salem. Information is beginning to come in from AIM as far as directives and such. We will need an Ordinance to allocate the monies.  We need to be thinking about our biggest NEEDS for this money.  Kevin mentioned that our clarifiers at the WWTP need updated.  e) Beth – None


ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:09 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be May 6th at 6:00 pm.

Attest:  Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer