CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  The December 3, 2020 Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.   Becky led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy Roberts.

ROLL CALL:  Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Mike Russell, Member-Present

Becky took a moment to recognize Doug Clodfelter for his long standing service to the Town of North Salem as our Waste Water Operator.  The Board thanked Doug for his 31 years of service (so far!) and presented him with a gift from the Town.

MINUTES:  Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the November minutes.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.


NEW ITEMS:  a) Resolution for 2021 Trash Rate – Ray’s Trash Service increased our monthly rate in September of this year and will raise it again effective January 1, 2021, this after not increasing our rates for the last 20 years.   After much discussion, it was decided to increase the monthly rate from $8.00 to $12.00.  It was suggested that the increase be lower, however, in order to afford a heavy trash pickup each year, this increase was necessary.  Mike Russell made a motion to accept; Becky seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.  The new rate will be effective beginning in January, 2021.  b) Resolution for Declaring Old Dixie Chopper as Salvage – Mark explained to the Council that the old Dixie Chopper was not repairable. He could trade it in as is for a working used cub cadet mower.  Mike Russell made a motion to accept; Jimmy seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.  c) 2021 Board Meeting Dates – Becky made a motion to accept; Jimmy seconded. Motion passed unanimously. d) 2021 Holiday Dates – Becky made a motion to accept; Jimmy seconded. Motion passed unanimously.  Beth will advertise both schedules in the Republican this month.

REPORTS:  a)Mark – let Council know that the water project is on hold at the moment as they are awaiting the steel package.  Progress is being made.  He also wanted to thank Mike Russell for his years of service on the Council as this is his last meeting.  Bill Compton will be sworn in as a new Council member in January.  b) NSPD – Becky thanked Marshal Kneeland for his monthly report. Ron also discussed radar speed limit signs that he would like to see placed at various locations around town. The quote received came in at just over $22,000.00 for five signs which include software, etc.  After much discussion, it was decided to purchase two this year and hopefully be able to purchase additional signs next year.  Harold suggested that Marshal Kneeland look into finding some grant money to offset the cost of these signs. c) Council Members – Jimmy wanted to thank the Garden Gate for decorating the flower pots for the holidays.  He also thanked Mike for his years of service on the Town Council.  Jimmy also wanted to again thank everyone for their well wishes and continued prayers for his daughter Jamieson.  Becky also thanked Mike for his service on the Town Council.  d) Harold Blake – Thanked Mike for his years of service and helping him “hold down” their end of the table for all those years. e) Beth – none.

PUBLIC  Bill Compton was in attendance on behalf of the Revitalization Committee.  He stated that they will not be having in person festivities for Christmas this year, but they are however sponsoring a coloring contest for ALL ages and also a decorating contest.  He asked if we could put a flyer up in the window at the Town Hall.  He also asked if the Council members would be willing to be judges for the decorating contest.

ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the last meeting of 2020 adjourned at 6:45 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be January 7th at 6:00 pm.

Attest:  Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer