Our 35th year! Race is held LABOR DAY, MONDAY SEPT.6th, 8AM sharp in conjunction with the 45th Annual North Salem Old Fashion Days Festival Sept 4-6. The race starts in Downtown North Salem at the corner of Broadway & Pearl Streets. The course is out-and-back on lightly traveled country roads with some moderate to difficult hills. The course has mile markers and water stations. Age groups in 5 yr increments starting 14 and under, 15-19, etc. to 75+. Awards given to overall male & female winners in 10K Run, 5K Run, and 5K Walk as well as age group winners in the 10K Run and 5K Run (no age groups in walk). Pre-register $30 by Aug 25 for guaranteed t-shirt; Aug 26-Sept 5 $30 but shirt not guaranteed; Sept 6/Race Day $35 no t-shirt. Free breakfast ($10 value) to all registered runners/walkers with valid meal ticket. Lots of other activities for friends and family!
Register at https://www.signmeup.com/site/reg/register.aspx?fid=NT2VZG7
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September 6, 2021 @ 8:00 am